Monday, November 28, 2011

Turkey Bowls, Guns, Deep Fried Turkey and one Wallet with 23.7 million dollars!!!!! E-mail Monday, November 28, 2011‏

Dear Mom, John and Meaghan,

If you thought Meaghan's title was weird look at mine!!!! So, as Thanksgiving came we bulked up for one of the most insane turkey bowls in the history of the world our team (the krazies) ended up with 7 points, three turnovers, seven sacks.  We intercepted the ball 9 times and forced one fumble (it was the craziest two hand touch football game ever)!!  I intercepted once and caught a few passes.  One was a sick, one handed catch in the end zone. So as you can imagine it was pretty fun.
After turkey bowl, we went to eat dinner with our Bishop, and on our way there he called us and told us to meet him in the middle of nowhere. So off we went!  When we got there he was standing there with a shotgun at his hip looking like an old cowboy.  We watched as his family shot off hundreds of rounds of ammo, it was pretty crazy!  He had an AK-22 or something or other that was a crazy semi-automatic!!
So after 3 hours of watching this, we returned to his home and ate deep fried turkey.  It was pretty good didn't really know anyone there so it was kinda awkward (Bishop invited his family over).  Elder Christensen has been sick this week so we spent a ton of time inside, it was totally boring.  Having your comp sick is the worst thing ever, because first you spend all day inside with him then two days later you're sick!
Well,  after dinner we played monopoly with the Lewis kids and I conquered with over 23.7 million dollars so I put it in my wallet and walked away as a joke.
I love you all and miss you.  I sent my list in a letter and if all went well, Meaghan should be opening a package right about... now. oh I'm good!!
The work is done, John, the information is on it's way to you. Should be pretty helpful I presume!!!
Elder Daniel

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