Dear Family and Friends,
Yes mom, as you put in your last email I'm three months old; I'm still a baby in mission life, but soon I'll be a kid. As I sit here and write I wonder where the time has gone. The Lord does speed up time that's for sure.
Well, it's the last week of the transfer, and that means Elder Potter is going home. We will get a new zone leader and I might be moving ( I hope not I love Redlands, but where ever the Lord wants me I'll go).
I know you just sent a package but there is something I need. You know that argyle sweater you bought me a little while ago, could you please send that here, but make sure you send it to the mission office in case I get moved.
You asked about Trunk or Treating, yes our ward is doing it, but we can't go unless we have an investigator go, so we're trying to find someone. Guess what were gonna dress up as??? Yes, Missionaries!!!
I like Johns idea so expect a letter to give to someone soon, also what's up Megs, how is college life? Good? Haven't heard from you in awhile and was just wondering.
Well, I guess I'll leave you with another missionary moment. We have this Investigator named Tomika, she is one of the coolest people ever and we had an incredible lesson on Thursday. Elder Fly and I had the idea of putting her on date for baptism. We went into the lesson with that in mind. We walked in and began to see how her week was going and we figured out that the finnancial troubles she was having are just getting worse (like everyone in Cali) she was more depressed than we had ever seen before. Elder Fly told me not to bring up baptism. While we were teaching the lesson the Spirit was directing me to ask and I was like, "no" do you see the state this woman is in. Immediately I could feel the Spirit telling me do it, so this is what I did. I looked at Tomika and said with all the force I could muster "Tomika we all have trials; Elder Fly and I face them constantly, we have these to test us and make us better people! Do you know how we make it through these trials?" She looked at me sadly and shook her head. " Tomika we make it through these with the love of our Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. The only way to truly get this love is to be baptized by one holding the priesthood authority, and we are the only ones who hold that authority, Will you be baptized?" At this time I looked around and Elder Fly was fist pumping under the table Sister Padgett (we had the lesson in her home) was crying and Liz her 11 year old daughter, her jaw dropped, but as I looked at Tomika that's when I felt the most amazed, she wasn't fist pumping or had her jaw dropped, or even crying, she was curious. I knew at that time she felt the Spirit, probably for the first time in her life. I asked what she felt and she said better than any time she could remember, and she accepted our invitation to baptism.
If there has been anything that I've learned here in Redlands, California its to listen to the Spirit, it will direct you and guide you in everything you do. If I leave Redlands I'll be sad, but I know that the work I did here was good. I love and miss you all, but I'll be home before you know it. I might be 3 months old but it still feels like only a few weeks.
Elder Zachary David Daniel
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