Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Week Behind! E-mail December 12, 2011

So, I think I'm a week behind you guys cause the cruise is over (is it Scott) Meaghan has been out for 4 weeks and I'm still in the flippin desert!!!!
Well, it's not hot so that's a plus now! When I just got used to the heat it decides to become cold... California is a cruel place!!!  All the Elders here are leaving early for school and Christmas. there are going to be a few ETS (emergency transfers) that just means you leave an area earlier than a regular exchange.  It may happen for a few reasons. I have my fingers crossed. Also we are getting a ton of mini missionaries. So it will be an interesting last two weeks of the transfer.
Well this month will mark me being old, I have finished my black hole year! It started kind of crazy, hopefully it won't end that way. I really enjoyed Meaghan's email, so I will do the same... I will take you through one of my Tuesday's.
The alarm goes off at 6:30 and we pray; then exercise till 7; then it's shower time.  We have a tiny water heater so only one person gets hot water and only for 5 minutes so its a quick one. Then we make breakfast and start studies at 8. Then at 9 we have a comp study, we planned the night before so we go over our plans and read through the white handbook and practice our lessons. Then off we go to District Development Meeting (DDM) which I preside over.  We go through practice sessions and other things. I give a training.  Then we hit the streets, talk to people, set up appointments, teach all that fun jazz. Well my comp is telling me we have to go, so I  will sadly end my email here!
 Love You

Elder Zachary David Daniel

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